
May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

Towards Total Alignment Through Tech and Tokenomics

Towards Total Alignment Through Tech and Tokenomics

Towards Total Alignment Through Tech and Tokenomics

Rationality in game theory can lead to suboptimal collective outcomes, challenging notions of utility maximization. Make the ecosystem more aligned.

Usual tech and tokenomics alignement
Usual tech and tokenomics alignement
Usual tech and tokenomics alignement
Usual tech and tokenomics alignement
Usual tech and tokenomics alignement

Game theory often leads to an ironic conclusion: the rationality guiding individual decisions can drive a collective toward suboptimal outcomes. This irony challenges the idea that maximizing individual utility always results in the best overall results.

Kantian ethics, which advocates for actions that can be universally adopted, offers a counterpoint to self-serving strategies in classical game theory. Kantian agents seek a collective optimum, benefiting both the individual and the group. This requires trust and synchronization of choices for the best outcomes.

This interplay calls for rethinking incentive structures, societal norms, and governance models to align personal incentives with the common good.

Nash Equilibrium with Kantian Ethics

A major factor in negative equilibria is the lack of trust in others to aim for collective maximization. In game theory, where players anticipate others' decisions, mistrust fosters defensive strategies, leading to suboptimal Nash Equilibria.

Kantian ethics proposes that if individuals act as they wish everyone would, collective actions would naturally lead to greater good. This approach integrates trust and mutual benefit into rational choices, fostering more harmonious and sustainable collective existence.

To bridge Kantian ethics with game theory, we need systems that promote cooperation, transparency, and educate individuals on the benefits of mutual cooperation.

Alignment in the Digital Realm

Despite the internet’s potential for freedom, negative Nash equilibria still arise. Major platforms prioritize closed standards over open ones, asserting ownership over users and stifling competition. Systems must remain adaptable to sustain alignment, as illustrated by Bitcoin. Bitcoin's transparent and robust architecture fosters trust and collective interest, ensuring its resilience.

However, Bitcoin faces challenges in rapid innovation. Competing cryptocurrencies and centralization points have emerged, leading to misalignment. Yet, Bitcoin still has the potential to serve as the ecosystem’s backbone. Ethereum's response to alignment challenges through innovations like EIP1559 and Layer 2 solutions offers a path forward.

Reducing the Social Layer

The social layer is crucial but introduces trust factors. Future efforts should minimize its influence through automated governance, decentralized identity systems, and protocol safeguards.

The complexity of alignment extends beyond simple solutions. Achieving it requires accessible, adaptable, and predictive tokenomics frameworks.

Achieving Alignment

Cryptocurrencies offer transparency, decentralization, and autonomy, unlike traditional financial systems. Tokenomics allows for flexible and adaptive incentive structures. Projects like Curve, Olympus, and Luna show the potential of well-designed tokenomics for value creation.

Ensuring alignment is essential for developing future infrastructures to prevent centralization risks. This involves harnessing collective efforts for shared objectives, fostering freedom of expression and innovation.

Usual and Starknet: Focus on Alignment

Projects like Usual and Starknet prioritize alignment to ensure viability and resilience. Starknet aims to enhance Ethereum's resilience, focusing on future-proofing and innovation. Usual cultivates a sustainable ecosystem, balancing value distribution among all participants.

By understanding our vision and narrative, you'll gain insight into our approach to creating a transparent, equitable, and resilient financial system. Join the Alternative.

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Time is ownership.

Usual is a secure and decentralized Fiat Stablecoin issuer that redistributes ownership and governance through the $USUAL token.

© 2025 Usual

Time is ownership.

Usual is a secure and decentralized Fiat Stablecoin issuer that redistributes ownership and governance through the $USUAL token.

© 2025 Usual

Time is ownership.

Usual is a secure and decentralized Fiat Stablecoin issuer that redistributes ownership and governance through the $USUAL token.

© 2025 Usual

Time is ownership.

Usual is a secure and decentralized Fiat Stablecoin issuer that redistributes ownership and governance through the $USUAL token.

© 2025 Usual

Time is ownership.

Usual is a secure and decentralized Fiat Stablecoin issuer that redistributes ownership and governance through the $USUAL token.

© 2025 Usual